
Archive for February, 2014

It is one of those days that I get so caught up in stuff and ignore the needs of the tummy ….I ignore till the very last minute until I can no longer ignore it  ..the hunger hits me so hard that I can actually feel the low glucose level in my body ….followed by spells of dizziness…I can barely talk nor walk any more ….the brain function comes down to a bare minimum….. and all I am capable of doing at that point of time is drag myself to wherever the  food is available and devour on it. Even after eating quite a bit, the hunger pangs don’t die right away and they continue to hurt!

In moments like these where the hunger completely consume me, I, inevitably think of all those people in need, especially the kids who constantly have to deal with hunger on a day to day basis. And when my own hunger is taken care of because I can afford to, a wave of guilt passes over me just because, here I am, eating away to glory while there are millions out there barely having a morsel to feed on. A second wave of guilt usually then takes over …that even though I strongly empathize those going without food, I am doing nothing to solve the world’s hunger problem (apart from donating a bit of time and money to charities now and then, which feels like only a drop in the ocean).

Going through emotions happens every now and then, but today for a change, a new realization hit me in this train of thought and that brought a smile on my face! Janyaa !! Now, Janyaa’s one organization who’s enabling the students in need with a power to stand on their own! Empowering the rural and poor kids to be able to succeed in their life is a great solution to not only take care of this most basic need of hunger but also to achieve much, much more in life! And the success of one generation leads to the success of another! A very desirable ripple effect!!

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

The quote above has a great bearing on what Janyaa does!

If you would like to know more about Janyaa, and would like to participate in helping out doing your bit to change the world, please do check out,  http://janyaa.org/

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